My Cute Lil Sis
She's so cute..isn't she? She's my younger sister, youngest in the famili. She's adopted at the age of 14 day (makcik i yang adopt her tp my mom jaga so i anggap macam adik sendiri). But we treated her as our own siblings, my mom's cinta hati :-) Dia sangat22222 dimanjakan by our parent (maklumla sorang je kat umah). We love her so much..And the reason i'm posting this entry coz honestly i miss her very much. Dah almost two months since the last time i balik kampung jumpa dia. Dia sangatla cute, the cutest of all. Believe me, with this pic taken with my phone which a lil bit blur pn dia nampak cute kan. And at that time she was only a year..i really miss her. I called my mom few days ago, and she told me nurul dah pandai cakap..Oh ya, i called her nurul but some of our sedara mara panggil dia syuhada :-) Pernah tau sekali i batuk sbb masa tu i demam, lepas i batuk dia ejek i buat2 batuk, Cute!!
Next month i nak balik kampung jumpa dia. Sekarang ni susah skit nak balik kampung sbb harga minyak dah naik and for sure harga barang slowly ikut naik jugak. huh sangatlah terasa okk (Soulmate je yang tau sapa yg suka sgt cakap okk ni hihihi)..furthermore i and Soulmate tengah buat preparation for our big day huhuhuhu makin kempis dompet dan akaun bankku..
Berbalik kepada my cutest lil sis, miss her miss her miss her miss her..hehe macam bercinta plak dengan dia :-)
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